However, some of the material has been retained here as an example
of what can be done.
ALL MATERIALS WERE ACCURATE (including final grades) TO MAY 25, 2012.

Welcome to the MHS Spanish Wiki! (updated 8/22/2012)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ARIZONA--Feb. 14, 1912, Feb. 14, 2012!
Here a student can participate in a useful wiki for MHS Spanish classes. Depending upon the level of access permitted by the teacher, students may also be able to upload significant material, maintain their own web page (relevant to some classes), and do other tasks that will be useful for their class participation. NOTICE: There are various panels on this FrontPage. The most important are: (1) This panel, (2) the Navigator Panel (to the right--really not much use), and the Sidebar Panel (links to other useful sites). It is simply best to ignore the links at the VERY TOP RIGHT of this page, as well as the Recent Activity Panel and the Comments Region at the bottom of this panel. If you follow these instructions you will be much better off in negotiating your way around the site.
My Email:
Please be aware that NO attachments can be sent to the teacher's email. The risks of viruses are just too monumental. Students may send any assignments by COPYING their assignment from their word processor into the regular email text. Even Spanish diacritics can be successfully sent using this method.
Email can ONLY be sent through the school official website noted below the following paragraph.
The Official MHS Website for MHS foreign language classes:
The 'official' website for my MHS classes is actually at a different Internet address. That address gives you access to some useful functions not located here. It is also the only place where emails are accepted. (Simply click on 'The Official MHS Website' below, and you will find an email address.) This particular wiki (plikwiki) is basic for accessing other functions not so easily done at the 'official' site. Calendars were created for the entire year of 2011-2012, which are available at the class links indicated below. THE CALENDARS FOR YEAR 2011-2012 ONLY ARE POSTED--CALENDARS FOR SUBSEQUENT YEARS ARE NO LONGER BEING POSTED. Furthermore, on those class pages you will also find helpful links to the Essential Facts evaluations that used to be given each week (no longer being done).
My "Official" MHS Language Website link is below (will open in another window):
Official MHS Website
Links to Subjects in MHS Foreign Language Department:
To go to the material (including old calendars and Essential Facts evaluations) for the various classes you will need to click on the appropriate links below.
Spanish One Spanish Two
Spanish Three
STUDENT GRADES :Notice--NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED!!! Students who once received their FLIDs, and after permission was received from parents, could view their grades online. This site allows access to the 2011-2012 grades only as an example.
NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED!!! A newsletter was posted each week only (an archive was not maintained). The newsletter had ALL the classes in one file. Students could simply scroll down the page to find the desired subject (Spanish 1, Spanish 2, etc.). The link to the current newsletter just below:
Current Newsletter
You can send Spanish/French emails (text only, NOT attachments) by downloading a Word document from the Document Repository at this site. The document is titled qromanized2.doc. It will enable you to place diacritic marks in your docs (basically by using the CTRL key--e.g., CTRL-e for the acute accent over the 'e' [é], etc.). To acquire it, click on this link: Document Repository
NOTE: There is also now a document in the Document Repository titled germanized.doc that will give you the ability to do German diacritics also.
FUN STUDENT POWERPOINT PROJECTS (Operational as of 1/8/2011!)
NOTE: You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer to view these files.
The following link provides you a glimpse at some of the excellent work our MHS students do in Powerpoint presentations about Hispanic culture:
Powerpoint Projects about Hispanic culture
The following link allowed students to see class charts of the "Essential Facts" test results given every week. They were NOT posted every week. Students could compare their class to others who were taking the same course. Be aware that it was NECESSARY to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser to view these results. (NOTE: As of August 26, 2011, Essential Facts Charts were posted. The red line indicates the actual data, and the dotted black line is the 'trend line' (linear regression) of the data.)
LtoJ Essential Facts Class Charts
Here is a version of Google Translator to help you in homework. Try it out!
The following material is experimental right now:
Sample Spanish/French embedded material is below:
à ê áéíóú
Here's a fun embed--the moon phase (remember the Maya Calendar?):
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